23rd Day of Ramadan

Al-Hamdu Lillah today was the 23rd day of the blessed month of Ramadan. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah (the Most High) mentions that the "Night of Power" is "better than a thousands months" (of worship). Many Muslims seek this special night in the last ten nights of Ramadan, and the following Islamic prayer is often recited at this time,

Allahumma Innaka `Afuwwun Tuhibbu'l `afwa Fa'fu `annee
O Allah, verily You are Forgiving. You love forgiveness, so forgive me

The below photos are from two walks in Oakville this weekend. On Saturday I went to Coronation Park (at Lakeshore) and today I walked through Sheldon Creek Trail.

Click here to see a video I took. This sound of the red-winged blackbird is described as "conk-la-ree".
Notice how it spreads its tail when it makes this sound.



Sheldon Creek Trail, Oakville April 24, 2022


 Sheldon Creek Trail, Oakville April 24, 2022


Coronation Park, Oakville April 24, 2022


Coronation Park, Oakville April 24, 2022



  • Wow, just magnificent I’m loving the cost view. You can tell by the waves and the color of water how cold it must be. Personally, I’ve noticed when the temperature is cold the water color is a bit darker and waves look sharp.

    Also, thank you for the beautiful reminder about the dua we should be making in these last 10 nights.

  • Another amazing group of photos, thank you for sharing it with us. Always looking forward to your new posts mashallah

    Amran J

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